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Do you know where to network?

Do you know where to network?

February 8, 2021

You’re networking every day, whether it’s with family, friends, classmates, or co-workers. You’re engaging in meaningful conversations, where you’re branding you, your aspirations, and organizations you support or represent. When it comes to your career, it’s important to know where to network.

This week’s workshop provides insight into various locations and avenues to chart your professional and career networking journey.

The following video shares several tips, but three standout above the others…
1 – Have purpose
2 – Have intent
3 – Have desire

Entering into conversations, particularly those with which you hope to state a case, present an objective, or achieve a goal with these three tips will increase your chances of success.


Watch the video, then RSVP for this Wednesday’s workshop, where students, job seekers and industry leaders will participate in an open conversation about networking and the aviation industry.

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