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Time for You to Fly

The future of the aviation and aerospace workforce is here.

Pathways to Aviation guides job seekers toward extraordinary careers and connects them with employers seeking bright new hires.

The program was very inspiring and well planned out. I think the future in aviation is great with the students who are part of your program. — Employer

I really just appreciated that there are people willing to support and educate high school students going into a professional field. I really appreciate the fact that students have such a wonderful resource! — Job Seeker

Refreshing to see young people with a plan for their own future. — Employer

The thing that I enjoyed most about the networking night was that there were a multitude of people who all had different experiences in the aviation field. — Job Seeker

I am extremely impressed with how prepared a lot of those kids were. This is definitely making a difference in many ways. Great work. — Employer

I really enjoyed how we were able to meet people that we otherwise would not have known how to contact. It was very helpful and offered many opportunities to us that we didn’t even know existed. — Job Seeker

I really enjoyed how we were able to meet people that we otherwise would not have known how to contact. It was very helpful and offered many opportunities to us that we didn’t even know existed. — Job Seeker

I enjoyed offering insight into career pathways and expressing the breadth of opportunities available to achieve goals and dreams. — Employer

It taught me many skills such as formatting a resume, elevator pitch, and how to succeed in an interview. — Job Seeker

Enjoy giving a little hindsight perspective to youth and meet other aviation professionals and enthusiasts. — Employer

Thank you for the opportunity to participate. I have a huge respect for what you're doing and this program. — Employer

Upcoming Events

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EventDate / Time / LocationRSVPd?
Online Career Workshop
The session will be an open discussion of resume writing. It will be instrumental for those who have never written a resume or that their resume is not very impressive. It will also prove beneficial to any resume which needs a bit more punch.
Watch these videos before the session:
Resume Preparation -
Resume Elements -
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, 4:00pm-5:00am PDTRSVP

Informing, inspiring, and engaging aviation's next generation.