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Board Strategic Retreat 2023

The Pathways to Aviation Board of Trustees is conducting a Strategic Retreat on Saturday, November 4 at the UNR Innevation Center.

As we prepare for the retreat, we’re conducting surveys from two distinct groups…1) the Board of Trustees, and 2) the greater industry and community. Please click the link of the survey which relates to you.

Board SWOT Survey



Retreat Preparation

Below are materials for board members to review in advance of the retreat.

2022 Strategic Goals

2022 Board Survey Report

2022 Board Visioning

2021 SWOT Presentation

2023 Career Planning Workbook

2022 Annual Report

Balance Sheet – Oct. 23, 2023

Profit & Loss – Oct. 23, 2023

Industry/Community Survey Results (NEW)

SWOT Analysis (NEW)



Retreat Agenda

Below is a simple preview of the agenda.

9:00am   Arrival
9:15am   Agenda Preview
9:45am   Vision and Mission
11:40am   SWOT Analysis
12:00pm   Lunch
12:30pm   Long-Term Goal Setting
1:45pm   Wrap Up

Click here for the full agenda.

Informing, inspiring, and engaging aviation's next generation.